Have you ever tried solving atrocious math problems? Do you find it simple? Complex, perhaps?
Learning math was trouble-free when I was in my elementary years. Mathematics, at present, is monstrous. It’s like jumping on cliffs and drowning your self to the deepest part of the ocean. I mean, I know how to count from 1 to 100 and do simple additions and subtractions or even relating to you what MDAS means. So, why learn those hard-to-understand theorems and similarities-blah-blah. I just can’t get the logic.
It’s obvious that I detest math and I don’t know when that hatred will fade. I am not good in mathematics and I envy those who understand the subject very well. They can propose solutions for a very difficult problem and understand how the whole thing works. They’re geniuses and that totally made me admire them. TOTALLY. I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t born to solve equations at all. Yet, I aspire to get on their level but how many many many hundred times I try to brainstorm and study numbers and variables and coefficients and circles, area, perimeters, surface area, similarities-name it all, I just can’t really catch up with it. I guess I need to breathe for seconds amidst these obdurate rants of mine. I sometimes pity myself because of this.
I was thinking, who were those individuals who constructed those equations and have mathematics to exist? They’re cool for having those equations discovered by them,of course, but totally uncool for we need to study those. Haha. Silly me. If only I could change the time. If only I could build time machines to bring back time. Tsk.tsk.tsk. I would be able to learn everything from them, on the flesh and by the time I got back, I’m a math warlock. But, yah’ know ‘tis impossible.
Right now, I’m still here, alive. However, I’m still struggling to get a higher grade in mathematics and to slowly refrain from cheating when it comes to that subject matter. I’ll try to put much effort now, but I guess it’ll take me a lot more time. Or worst, it’ll take me forever.
Guys thank you for reading my boring rant. God Bless. Comments are loved.
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Have you ever tried solving atrocious math problems? Do you find it simple? Complex, perhaps?
Learning math was trouble-free when I was in my elementary years. Mathematics, at present, is monstrous. It’s like jumping on cliffs and drowning your self to the deepest part of the ocean. I mean, I know how to count from 1 to 100 and do simple additions and subtractions or even relating to you what MDAS means. So, why learn those hard-to-understand theorems and similarities-blah-blah. I just can’t get the logic.
It’s obvious that I detest math and I don’t know when that hatred will fade. I am not good in mathematics and I envy those who understand the subject very well. They can propose solutions for a very difficult problem and understand how the whole thing works. They’re geniuses and that totally made me admire them. TOTALLY. I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t born to solve equations at all. Yet, I aspire to get on their level but how many many many hundred times I try to brainstorm and study numbers and variables and coefficients and circles, area, perimeters, surface area, similarities-name it all, I just can’t really catch up with it. I guess I need to breathe for seconds amidst these obdurate rants of mine. I sometimes pity myself because of this.
I was thinking, who were those individuals who constructed those equations and have mathematics to exist? They’re cool for having those equations discovered by them,of course, but totally uncool for we need to study those. Haha. Silly me. If only I could change the time. If only I could build time machines to bring back time. Tsk.tsk.tsk. I would be able to learn everything from them, on the flesh and by the time I got back, I’m a math warlock. But, yah’ know ‘tis impossible.
Right now, I’m still here, alive. However, I’m still struggling to get a higher grade in mathematics and to slowly refrain from cheating when it comes to that subject matter. I’ll try to put much effort now, but I guess it’ll take me a lot more time. Or worst, it’ll take me forever.
Guys thank you for reading my boring rant. God Bless. Comments are loved.