SHHH...IT's a Secret no little stories come out little..
SMARTBRO is getting on my nerves
So, I was in front of my pale white and old computer twenty-nine point nine minutes ago complaining about my SMARTBRO connection. In my blue-colored-Microsoft XP-Pro wallpaper I can already spot the tiny computer-like image with a yellowish three-sided polygon close to it where a black exclamatory point is located inside that notes “LIMITED OR NO CONNECTIVITY” which made my not-so-good self rage into resentment. I was pissed and it was obviously obvious. I have to write this down as a draft on Microsoft Word and it was absolutely- well, not fine? All right, back to my complaint, well, I, as a costumer, observed that SMARTBRO is getting quite a little sluggish this time. Perhaps their some-significant matters have affected us consumers- me, in particular. I despise noticing that little image which simply states that you have a free pass to no-internet access. And do you know what I usually do? I habitually disable my internet connection and after ten to fifteen seconds, I’d enable it again or perhaps, repair it through clicking the repair button but neither of the two works for now. Whenever I have to check my most recent e-mails urgently because I have some more significant matter to deal with, I can’t since it’ll take me forever just by waiting for the connection to go back. My chums told me that they had, also, encountered an issue in relation to mine and guess what they did? It’d be better if I’ll just keep my like-a-machine-gun mouth shut up, for now, at least. Other than that limited and/ or no connectivity issue, I got no more issue to complain about, their assistance to customers were quite amusing-hurray??. And I hope that one day I’ll withdraw on asking this stupid question to my acquaintances, “What the heck is wrong with SMARTBRO?”
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Saturday, January 24, 2009
SMARTBRO is getting on my nerves
SHHH...IT's a Secret no little stories come out little..
SMARTBRO is getting on my nerves
So, I was in front of my pale white and old computer twenty-nine point nine minutes ago complaining about my SMARTBRO connection. In my blue-colored-Microsoft XP-Pro wallpaper I can already spot the tiny computer-like image with a yellowish three-sided polygon close to it where a black exclamatory point is located inside that notes “LIMITED OR NO CONNECTIVITY” which made my not-so-good self rage into resentment. I was pissed and it was obviously obvious. I have to write this down as a draft on Microsoft Word and it was absolutely- well, not fine? All right, back to my complaint, well, I, as a costumer, observed that SMARTBRO is getting quite a little sluggish this time. Perhaps their some-significant matters have affected us consumers- me, in particular. I despise noticing that little image which simply states that you have a free pass to no-internet access. And do you know what I usually do? I habitually disable my internet connection and after ten to fifteen seconds, I’d enable it again or perhaps, repair it through clicking the repair button but neither of the two works for now. Whenever I have to check my most recent e-mails urgently because I have some more significant matter to deal with, I can’t since it’ll take me forever just by waiting for the connection to go back. My chums told me that they had, also, encountered an issue in relation to mine and guess what they did? It’d be better if I’ll just keep my like-a-machine-gun mouth shut up, for now, at least. Other than that limited and/ or no connectivity issue, I got no more issue to complain about, their assistance to customers were quite amusing-hurray??. And I hope that one day I’ll withdraw on asking this stupid question to my acquaintances, “What the heck is wrong with SMARTBRO?”