NOTE: Please read the whole post . If you're not that busy . And Comments are Luv and MerryChristmas.
P-i-N-X H-o-L-l-i-X says...
I made a PiNKY PROMiSe
THE DECEMBER 2008 ISSUE you're eager tah know?
Last December 20, I went to the beach with my dad and some of his friends. We talked and talked for the whole night . I was kinda exhausted though . Well, we talked about a lot of things. Like ghosts and early commitments . EARLY COMMITMENTS ? like relationships? Yah. Like that . he told me that I must MUST must not have a boyfriend until I reach 20 . HUH? . It's toOooOoo LooOooOong for me. I'm already gone by that time. Oh just Kidding. He even added that being in a relationship when you are still young will only cause you a heart aches and break-ups. Aw. That's Horrible . And I added, "You're right dad. Relationships end so fast because both parties are not yet mature enough to face heavy circumstances together. They sometimes act IMMATURE. That's why, in most cases, they end up with divorce and separations. "(Lyk u and mom.-Uh.oh. I won't say that. He'll punch me. ). I already know that I must FIRST, keep my feelings even though often times it wants to burst out of me, because my STUDIES are my SECOND PRIORITY .SECOND? What the FIRST One, then? G-O-D. It's God . I LOVE GOD. Why? Because he accompanies me everywhere I go and reprimands me whenever I did something that is against the rule. Anyways, back to dad, he told me that temptations are everywhere. Right or right ? right. I agreed, what can I do ? What he uttered was right. I told him that I will never give in to temptations and I uttered, "Dad, I learned this from our church. BEING TEMPTED is not a sin. But, once you gave in to it, that's your problem. So, I will not let myself be tempted by those lustful temptations, once I did , I'll apologize to GOD immediately. Sowwie?" And so, he asked me to make a promise. I told him," Why, don't we try the PINKY PROMISE?" And so we did. And That's the end of my PINKY PROMISE STORY.
LUCKii GiFT wanna see it?
Ta-da. this kawaii gift is from Nik. She's a sweet and cute blogger. Arigatou Nik-chan. ki o tsukete ne.
And.this one is from Yuki-chan. Isn't it cute? haha. Well, everything's cute in here.
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Monday, December 22, 2008
NOTE: Please read the whole post . If you're not that busy . And Comments are Luv and MerryChristmas.
P-i-N-X H-o-L-l-i-X says...
I made a PiNKY PROMiSe
THE DECEMBER 2008 ISSUE you're eager tah know?
Last December 20, I went to the beach with my dad and some of his friends. We talked and talked for the whole night . I was kinda exhausted though . Well, we talked about a lot of things. Like ghosts and early commitments . EARLY COMMITMENTS ? like relationships? Yah. Like that . he told me that I must MUST must not have a boyfriend until I reach 20 . HUH? . It's toOooOoo LooOooOong for me. I'm already gone by that time. Oh just Kidding. He even added that being in a relationship when you are still young will only cause you a heart aches and break-ups. Aw. That's Horrible . And I added, "You're right dad. Relationships end so fast because both parties are not yet mature enough to face heavy circumstances together. They sometimes act IMMATURE. That's why, in most cases, they end up with divorce and separations. "(Lyk u and mom.-Uh.oh. I won't say that. He'll punch me. ). I already know that I must FIRST, keep my feelings even though often times it wants to burst out of me, because my STUDIES are my SECOND PRIORITY .SECOND? What the FIRST One, then? G-O-D. It's God . I LOVE GOD. Why? Because he accompanies me everywhere I go and reprimands me whenever I did something that is against the rule. Anyways, back to dad, he told me that temptations are everywhere. Right or right ? right. I agreed, what can I do ? What he uttered was right. I told him that I will never give in to temptations and I uttered, "Dad, I learned this from our church. BEING TEMPTED is not a sin. But, once you gave in to it, that's your problem. So, I will not let myself be tempted by those lustful temptations, once I did , I'll apologize to GOD immediately. Sowwie?" And so, he asked me to make a promise. I told him," Why, don't we try the PINKY PROMISE?" And so we did. And That's the end of my PINKY PROMISE STORY.
LUCKii GiFT wanna see it?
Ta-da. this kawaii gift is from Nik. She's a sweet and cute blogger. Arigatou Nik-chan. ki o tsukete ne.
And.this one is from Yuki-chan. Isn't it cute? haha. Well, everything's cute in here.