Time passes by so swiftly. It was months ago in which I ought to launch my life as a typical third year student yet now, every bit of that life seemed to fade away. Yet cherished memoirs still clings on my very being.
The old occupied school days were long gone yet we still co-exist in this humanity to feel the warm brush of the suns rays. How I wish I was near the shore, strolling with my little brother whom resembles a naughty seraph, having to allow the warm summer breeze to lift and leisurely sway my lengthy, black hair. I had longed to see individuals wearing their flamboyantly eccentric summer attire while doing the catwalk at a nearby crowded stage.
Surely, I was talking about pageants which include women’s swimming suits and men’s trunks- though I’d rather seal my eyes to not be able to witness the lower parts, it’s sort of ecchi. Aside from being dreaming of spending a good quantity of time with my kindred at the beach, I’d planned of enrolling my self on keyboard lessons, since it would be such a pity if I’d use not my three-year old keyboard which seemed to die at home. Oh. I nearly forgot. I was gone for a week since I attended a youth camp nearby which is the reason why I wasn’t able to update my silly blog.
I’m looking forward on visiting your blog/s again and I formally apologize for not responding on your comments- I’ll reply as early as I can, though. Well, that would all be my plans for this summer- it isn’t much, yes but the memories I’d be able to keep and the skills I would learn is worth a million dollar worth of a costly bag.
Konnichiwa! I'm back with apost.Comments are loved.
** Good news: I ran for the position of 4th year representative in our school under the banner of CHANGE party-for the next school year 2-3 weeks ago.
** Bad News:I lost. (better luck next time )
My love's lost. It had gone astray, however, in the middle of the narrow path of unconditional affinity it found a cache where it should have belonged.
Crushes are sweet yet love bears satisfaction as well as egregious agony. In the midst of my journey for sweet admiration, I found the golden key to my once locked heart.
I found my daisy. My humorist daisy. The flower which bears nobility and beauty and grace. The flower who holds my fragile heart. The one where my nurtured self liveth. The golden daisy truly resembles him- the way he makes me crackle up is like how a daisy would give me smiles whenever it sways. The petals will likely be his divine appearance-it was his mild yet sweet face which definitely melts my interred bones. He was my flower prince- or so, I thought.
It was to my great surprise that this sweet, petite daisy turned into my gardens rose. A flower still of beauty, but agony and hauteur lies behind its every sharp thorns. Ever since, I told my flower prince how fond I am of him, he left me and for no reason, he turned himself into a thorn-filled blood-colored rose.
The rose! It's a precious flower and certainly, one of the sumptuous gift of God. He was of that now. He was a rose. All I can do is to watch him from afar and glance at his grinning face just how a little girl would stare at a rose which she can neither touch nor hold. I was that girl. I dare not lay a hand on that flower for it was delicate and I knew very well that those prickly little thorns would hurt me as much as he did. Yes.. all I can do is watch and smile wondering when my rose would transform back into the daisy I had once loved before.
Everyone, I apologize for not updating my blog for almost a week or so and for not dropping some comments on your posts. I'm pretty occupied with tons of school works since the end of the school year is fast approaching . Anyways, we had our finals a couple of hours ago. Even though it's Saturday, we were,still, not free from the shackles of our Policewoman Principal and the School Jail. To be honest, I am not prepared for the final examination. Last night, I was feeling quite lethargic that's why I slept with various books on my side-open and cluttered. However, I managed to answer the cited questions on the rough-textured test paper using some of my stocked knowledge. Come to think of it, at least, it wasn't sucked knowledge. Anyways, you guys noticed anything? Yeah.yeah. New layout. I saw it on blogskins.com (again). It was said to be ripped but I dunno(and I don't care) enough about those silly matters. I placed a simple note on the left side of the layout which states that I didn't make this skin. Well, that's for the laypeople to not accuse me as a ripper- and so on and so forth . I edited some things to make it cuter and all. But I guess, it isn't quite enough. All right. Till next time guys!!
I had an exceedingly fetid day and it’s definitely a no good to remember chronicle. I was lured to commit something irrational and, at the same time, the present victim of agony. I, as a being who has this endearing personality, rarely illustrate my provocation against someone who, merely trampled on my rights as an individual. I have the reason to declare matters and also have the right to not do so.
Overwhelmingly generous. I feel like trashing that persona away and begin to establish a more typical and tough attitude. It wasn’t that bothersome at first but as time goes by, people assumed that it’s utterly fine with me when on earth they feel like emitting tainted remarks in front of my face. I abhor it whenever the laypeople take me for granted. I find it iniquitous because there are certain scenarios where they humiliate me and I can’t fight back since I’m too anxious to harm them. I value them, whole-heartedly that is why, I avoid being caught up in the middle of the taboo scene brawling against their dingy mouths.
The sort of character I positively want to seize is that of someone who is tough and can guard herself from the fangs of those lethal backstabbing beings-none other than the humans, itself. I fancy having tons of acquaintances but having them hate me is, likewise, difficult for my part- especially when I can’t scuffle back to those abhorrers. It’s my temperament to pretend to smile whenever I’m engrossed into my chaotic, depression-filled world.
Speaking of depression, I have it. I contain its symptoms within myself. You would never ever imagine that someone like me, a Christian, would think of committing suicide just because of a temporary, vicious peer crisis. I may wear a seraphs smile but what lies inside me is a rotten person. I was too much absorbed in imagining things on how to please them and such, but never did I consider myself for once. Yes, I had hurt myself with punches, slaps and rigid torments. I was obscure. That is why, I’m eager to put up this strong character to demolish this belittling sensation that I feel inside of me. Yet, with the urge to change, I’d dare not to disregard my previous persona-the one that I had loved the most.
Aggravating. I presume that is how I can delineate my day. I was looking forward for some tranquil moments on my own but almost the whole thing backfired. I committed common blunders but it wasn’t really that oppressive. First, was when I and my group mates were assigned to report the topic appointed to us by our sensei and guess what, we nearly reported the wrong subject. Good thing, she was benign enough to have us remake our report for the last minute. It was our fault, though, for we haven’t kept the title in our minds. For my part, it was both bothersome and mortifying. Argh. Next was my runnyNOSE. I assume I had caught a cold. I loathe these shrill sneezes!! (I know you do, too.) It pisses me a lot. A LOT. It’s quite annoying, right? And it hurts. Yeah, it impairs my nose and I can barely breathe. Plus, I’m suffering from body pains-from my legs, back and to my arms. I apologize if you have to listen to my rants and thank you. Anyways, my day wasn’t completely filled with ghastly memories, there were excellent memoirs too. I was able to have some minute chat with my chums and I had treasured it a lot. It was amusing listening to their angry outbursts and clichéd jokes. Hei.hei. some one said I’m cute. I’m not boasting about it just because some unknown sycophant was praising moi. It was just overwhelming since I rarely hear someone praise me. All I know is that I am definitely defined as black. Okay. So, there were these boy classmates of mine who call me BLACK all the time and that means every hour of every day. I hope they’ll read this. You damn guys who call me BLACK, look at yourselves!! Even though you meant it as a joke, it still hurts. Man, you know nothing about good manners and right conduct. Better go back to Kindergarten and learn your ABC’s. But you know, I still am thanking you for doing that. I do accept the fact that I am the morena-type of a girl but puh-lease do not exaggerate it. Duh. (I can’t complain like this in front of them so it’s better if I write it down.) Don’t you just hate someone calling you names when your biological parents named you a unique name? Furthermore, I had a great time because I passed all my quizzes for this day.
To my dear commenters, I deeply am grateful that you are commenting on my lowly posts. I appreciate your effort. Don't worry, I'll reply on everything that you wrote on my comment box- if I have the free time to do so, at least.
Hi guys, gals, gays-and aliens. Noticed anything?? Yeah. I visibly, changed the layout- from a kitty to a lady. Oh- it evolved but this isn’t any Hominid matter. It's a disenchantment because I know nothing about using photoshop but loh' I do have quite a knowledge about HTML codes and Javascripts-but still I'm puzzled when it comes to CSS. Thanks God that I was, to some extent, addicted to blogging that's why I discovered these things. Speaking of blogs, me and my friends are presently discussing about having a group blog. Three girls in one-yeah. But right now, we're having quite a difficulty with the images we’re going to use. We have an Ice cream motif for next month. Probably next month we’ll open up to the cyber world. We only have a site or three for kawaii graphics resources and not all have those cute ice cream avatars or pixels or anything. I’m begging you guys, please tell me where I can get those cute pixels or any other images and smileys? But I have this feeling that no one will give me any graphics resource sites. Onegai?
Have you ever tried solving atrocious math problems? Do you find it simple? Complex, perhaps?
Learning math was trouble-free when I was in my elementary years. Mathematics, at present, is monstrous. It’s like jumping on cliffs and drowning your self to the deepest part of the ocean. I mean, I know how to count from 1 to 100 and do simple additions and subtractions or even relating to you what MDAS means. So, why learn those hard-to-understand theorems and similarities-blah-blah. I just can’t get the logic.
It’s obvious that I detest math and I don’t know when that hatred will fade. I am not good in mathematics and I envy those who understand the subject very well. They can propose solutions for a very difficult problem and understand how the whole thing works. They’re geniuses and that totally made me admire them. TOTALLY. I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t born to solve equations at all. Yet, I aspire to get on their level but how many many many hundred times I try to brainstorm and study numbers and variables and coefficients and circles, area, perimeters, surface area, similarities-name it all, I just can’t really catch up with it. I guess I need to breathe for seconds amidst these obdurate rants of mine. I sometimes pity myself because of this.
I was thinking, who were those individuals who constructed those equations and have mathematics to exist? They’re cool for having those equations discovered by them,of course, but totally uncool for we need to study those. Haha. Silly me. If only I could change the time. If only I could build time machines to bring back time. Tsk.tsk.tsk. I would be able to learn everything from them, on the flesh and by the time I got back, I’m a math warlock. But, yah’ know ‘tis impossible.
Right now, I’m still here, alive. However, I’m still struggling to get a higher grade in mathematics and to slowly refrain from cheating when it comes to that subject matter. I’ll try to put much effort now, but I guess it’ll take me a lot more time. Or worst, it’ll take me forever.
Guys thank you for reading my boring rant. God Bless. Comments are loved.
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Monday, April 13, 2009
Summer brings warm
Time passes by so swiftly. It was months ago in which I ought to launch my life as a typical third year student yet now, every bit of that life seemed to fade away. Yet cherished memoirs still clings on my very being.
The old occupied school days were long gone yet we still co-exist in this humanity to feel the warm brush of the suns rays. How I wish I was near the shore, strolling with my little brother whom resembles a naughty seraph, having to allow the warm summer breeze to lift and leisurely sway my lengthy, black hair. I had longed to see individuals wearing their flamboyantly eccentric summer attire while doing the catwalk at a nearby crowded stage.
Surely, I was talking about pageants which include women’s swimming suits and men’s trunks- though I’d rather seal my eyes to not be able to witness the lower parts, it’s sort of ecchi. Aside from being dreaming of spending a good quantity of time with my kindred at the beach, I’d planned of enrolling my self on keyboard lessons, since it would be such a pity if I’d use not my three-year old keyboard which seemed to die at home. Oh. I nearly forgot. I was gone for a week since I attended a youth camp nearby which is the reason why I wasn’t able to update my silly blog.
I’m looking forward on visiting your blog/s again and I formally apologize for not responding on your comments- I’ll reply as early as I can, though. Well, that would all be my plans for this summer- it isn’t much, yes but the memories I’d be able to keep and the skills I would learn is worth a million dollar worth of a costly bag.
Konnichiwa! I'm back with apost.Comments are loved.
** Good news: I ran for the position of 4th year representative in our school under the banner of CHANGE party-for the next school year 2-3 weeks ago.
** Bad News:I lost. (better luck next time )
My love's lost. It had gone astray, however, in the middle of the narrow path of unconditional affinity it found a cache where it should have belonged.
Crushes are sweet yet love bears satisfaction as well as egregious agony. In the midst of my journey for sweet admiration, I found the golden key to my once locked heart.
I found my daisy. My humorist daisy. The flower which bears nobility and beauty and grace. The flower who holds my fragile heart. The one where my nurtured self liveth. The golden daisy truly resembles him- the way he makes me crackle up is like how a daisy would give me smiles whenever it sways. The petals will likely be his divine appearance-it was his mild yet sweet face which definitely melts my interred bones. He was my flower prince- or so, I thought.
It was to my great surprise that this sweet, petite daisy turned into my gardens rose. A flower still of beauty, but agony and hauteur lies behind its every sharp thorns. Ever since, I told my flower prince how fond I am of him, he left me and for no reason, he turned himself into a thorn-filled blood-colored rose.
The rose! It's a precious flower and certainly, one of the sumptuous gift of God. He was of that now. He was a rose. All I can do is to watch him from afar and glance at his grinning face just how a little girl would stare at a rose which she can neither touch nor hold. I was that girl. I dare not lay a hand on that flower for it was delicate and I knew very well that those prickly little thorns would hurt me as much as he did. Yes.. all I can do is watch and smile wondering when my rose would transform back into the daisy I had once loved before.
Everyone, I apologize for not updating my blog for almost a week or so and for not dropping some comments on your posts. I'm pretty occupied with tons of school works since the end of the school year is fast approaching . Anyways, we had our finals a couple of hours ago. Even though it's Saturday, we were,still, not free from the shackles of our Policewoman Principal and the School Jail. To be honest, I am not prepared for the final examination. Last night, I was feeling quite lethargic that's why I slept with various books on my side-open and cluttered. However, I managed to answer the cited questions on the rough-textured test paper using some of my stocked knowledge. Come to think of it, at least, it wasn't sucked knowledge. Anyways, you guys noticed anything? Yeah.yeah. New layout. I saw it on blogskins.com (again). It was said to be ripped but I dunno(and I don't care) enough about those silly matters. I placed a simple note on the left side of the layout which states that I didn't make this skin. Well, that's for the laypeople to not accuse me as a ripper- and so on and so forth . I edited some things to make it cuter and all. But I guess, it isn't quite enough. All right. Till next time guys!!
I had an exceedingly fetid day and it’s definitely a no good to remember chronicle. I was lured to commit something irrational and, at the same time, the present victim of agony. I, as a being who has this endearing personality, rarely illustrate my provocation against someone who, merely trampled on my rights as an individual. I have the reason to declare matters and also have the right to not do so.
Overwhelmingly generous. I feel like trashing that persona away and begin to establish a more typical and tough attitude. It wasn’t that bothersome at first but as time goes by, people assumed that it’s utterly fine with me when on earth they feel like emitting tainted remarks in front of my face. I abhor it whenever the laypeople take me for granted. I find it iniquitous because there are certain scenarios where they humiliate me and I can’t fight back since I’m too anxious to harm them. I value them, whole-heartedly that is why, I avoid being caught up in the middle of the taboo scene brawling against their dingy mouths.
The sort of character I positively want to seize is that of someone who is tough and can guard herself from the fangs of those lethal backstabbing beings-none other than the humans, itself. I fancy having tons of acquaintances but having them hate me is, likewise, difficult for my part- especially when I can’t scuffle back to those abhorrers. It’s my temperament to pretend to smile whenever I’m engrossed into my chaotic, depression-filled world.
Speaking of depression, I have it. I contain its symptoms within myself. You would never ever imagine that someone like me, a Christian, would think of committing suicide just because of a temporary, vicious peer crisis. I may wear a seraphs smile but what lies inside me is a rotten person. I was too much absorbed in imagining things on how to please them and such, but never did I consider myself for once. Yes, I had hurt myself with punches, slaps and rigid torments. I was obscure. That is why, I’m eager to put up this strong character to demolish this belittling sensation that I feel inside of me. Yet, with the urge to change, I’d dare not to disregard my previous persona-the one that I had loved the most.
Aggravating. I presume that is how I can delineate my day. I was looking forward for some tranquil moments on my own but almost the whole thing backfired. I committed common blunders but it wasn’t really that oppressive. First, was when I and my group mates were assigned to report the topic appointed to us by our sensei and guess what, we nearly reported the wrong subject. Good thing, she was benign enough to have us remake our report for the last minute. It was our fault, though, for we haven’t kept the title in our minds. For my part, it was both bothersome and mortifying. Argh. Next was my runnyNOSE. I assume I had caught a cold. I loathe these shrill sneezes!! (I know you do, too.) It pisses me a lot. A LOT. It’s quite annoying, right? And it hurts. Yeah, it impairs my nose and I can barely breathe. Plus, I’m suffering from body pains-from my legs, back and to my arms. I apologize if you have to listen to my rants and thank you. Anyways, my day wasn’t completely filled with ghastly memories, there were excellent memoirs too. I was able to have some minute chat with my chums and I had treasured it a lot. It was amusing listening to their angry outbursts and clichéd jokes. Hei.hei. some one said I’m cute. I’m not boasting about it just because some unknown sycophant was praising moi. It was just overwhelming since I rarely hear someone praise me. All I know is that I am definitely defined as black. Okay. So, there were these boy classmates of mine who call me BLACK all the time and that means every hour of every day. I hope they’ll read this. You damn guys who call me BLACK, look at yourselves!! Even though you meant it as a joke, it still hurts. Man, you know nothing about good manners and right conduct. Better go back to Kindergarten and learn your ABC’s. But you know, I still am thanking you for doing that. I do accept the fact that I am the morena-type of a girl but puh-lease do not exaggerate it. Duh. (I can’t complain like this in front of them so it’s better if I write it down.) Don’t you just hate someone calling you names when your biological parents named you a unique name? Furthermore, I had a great time because I passed all my quizzes for this day.
To my dear commenters, I deeply am grateful that you are commenting on my lowly posts. I appreciate your effort. Don't worry, I'll reply on everything that you wrote on my comment box- if I have the free time to do so, at least.
Hi guys, gals, gays-and aliens. Noticed anything?? Yeah. I visibly, changed the layout- from a kitty to a lady. Oh- it evolved but this isn’t any Hominid matter. It's a disenchantment because I know nothing about using photoshop but loh' I do have quite a knowledge about HTML codes and Javascripts-but still I'm puzzled when it comes to CSS. Thanks God that I was, to some extent, addicted to blogging that's why I discovered these things. Speaking of blogs, me and my friends are presently discussing about having a group blog. Three girls in one-yeah. But right now, we're having quite a difficulty with the images we’re going to use. We have an Ice cream motif for next month. Probably next month we’ll open up to the cyber world. We only have a site or three for kawaii graphics resources and not all have those cute ice cream avatars or pixels or anything. I’m begging you guys, please tell me where I can get those cute pixels or any other images and smileys? But I have this feeling that no one will give me any graphics resource sites. Onegai?
Have you ever tried solving atrocious math problems? Do you find it simple? Complex, perhaps?
Learning math was trouble-free when I was in my elementary years. Mathematics, at present, is monstrous. It’s like jumping on cliffs and drowning your self to the deepest part of the ocean. I mean, I know how to count from 1 to 100 and do simple additions and subtractions or even relating to you what MDAS means. So, why learn those hard-to-understand theorems and similarities-blah-blah. I just can’t get the logic.
It’s obvious that I detest math and I don’t know when that hatred will fade. I am not good in mathematics and I envy those who understand the subject very well. They can propose solutions for a very difficult problem and understand how the whole thing works. They’re geniuses and that totally made me admire them. TOTALLY. I don’t know, maybe I wasn’t born to solve equations at all. Yet, I aspire to get on their level but how many many many hundred times I try to brainstorm and study numbers and variables and coefficients and circles, area, perimeters, surface area, similarities-name it all, I just can’t really catch up with it. I guess I need to breathe for seconds amidst these obdurate rants of mine. I sometimes pity myself because of this.
I was thinking, who were those individuals who constructed those equations and have mathematics to exist? They’re cool for having those equations discovered by them,of course, but totally uncool for we need to study those. Haha. Silly me. If only I could change the time. If only I could build time machines to bring back time. Tsk.tsk.tsk. I would be able to learn everything from them, on the flesh and by the time I got back, I’m a math warlock. But, yah’ know ‘tis impossible.
Right now, I’m still here, alive. However, I’m still struggling to get a higher grade in mathematics and to slowly refrain from cheating when it comes to that subject matter. I’ll try to put much effort now, but I guess it’ll take me a lot more time. Or worst, it’ll take me forever.
Guys thank you for reading my boring rant. God Bless. Comments are loved.