Everyone, I apologize for not updating my blog for almost a week or so and for not dropping some comments on your posts. I'm pretty occupied with tons of school works since the end of the school year is fast approaching . Anyways, we had our finals a couple of hours ago. Even though it's Saturday, we were,still, not free from the shackles of our Policewoman Principal and the School Jail. To be honest, I am not prepared for the final examination. Last night, I was feeling quite lethargic that's why I slept with various books on my side-open and cluttered. However, I managed to answer the cited questions on the rough-textured test paper using some of my stocked knowledge. Come to think of it, at least, it wasn't sucked knowledge. Anyways, you guys noticed anything? Yeah.yeah. New layout. I saw it on blogskins.com (again). It was said to be ripped but I dunno(and I don't care) enough about those silly matters. I placed a simple note on the left side of the layout which states that I didn't make this skin. Well, that's for the laypeople to not accuse me as a ripper- and so on and so forth . I edited some things to make it cuter and all. But I guess, it isn't quite enough. All right. Till next time guys!!
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Busy Lady BUG!
Everyone, I apologize for not updating my blog for almost a week or so and for not dropping some comments on your posts. I'm pretty occupied with tons of school works since the end of the school year is fast approaching . Anyways, we had our finals a couple of hours ago. Even though it's Saturday, we were,still, not free from the shackles of our Policewoman Principal and the School Jail. To be honest, I am not prepared for the final examination. Last night, I was feeling quite lethargic that's why I slept with various books on my side-open and cluttered. However, I managed to answer the cited questions on the rough-textured test paper using some of my stocked knowledge. Come to think of it, at least, it wasn't sucked knowledge. Anyways, you guys noticed anything? Yeah.yeah. New layout. I saw it on blogskins.com (again). It was said to be ripped but I dunno(and I don't care) enough about those silly matters. I placed a simple note on the left side of the layout which states that I didn't make this skin. Well, that's for the laypeople to not accuse me as a ripper- and so on and so forth . I edited some things to make it cuter and all. But I guess, it isn't quite enough. All right. Till next time guys!!