Time passes by so swiftly. It was months ago in which I ought to launch my life as a typical third year student yet now, every bit of that life seemed to fade away. Yet cherished memoirs still clings on my very being.
The old occupied school days were long gone yet we still co-exist in this humanity to feel the warm brush of the suns rays. How I wish I was near the shore, strolling with my little brother whom resembles a naughty seraph, having to allow the warm summer breeze to lift and leisurely sway my lengthy, black hair. I had longed to see individuals wearing their flamboyantly eccentric summer attire while doing the catwalk at a nearby crowded stage.
Surely, I was talking about pageants which include women’s swimming suits and men’s trunks- though I’d rather seal my eyes to not be able to witness the lower parts, it’s sort of ecchi. Aside from being dreaming of spending a good quantity of time with my kindred at the beach, I’d planned of enrolling my self on keyboard lessons, since it would be such a pity if I’d use not my three-year old keyboard which seemed to die at home. Oh. I nearly forgot. I was gone for a week since I attended a youth camp nearby which is the reason why I wasn’t able to update my silly blog.
I’m looking forward on visiting your blog/s again and I formally apologize for not responding on your comments- I’ll reply as early as I can, though. Well, that would all be my plans for this summer- it isn’t much, yes but the memories I’d be able to keep and the skills I would learn is worth a million dollar worth of a costly bag.
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Monday, April 13, 2009
Summer brings warm
Time passes by so swiftly. It was months ago in which I ought to launch my life as a typical third year student yet now, every bit of that life seemed to fade away. Yet cherished memoirs still clings on my very being.
The old occupied school days were long gone yet we still co-exist in this humanity to feel the warm brush of the suns rays. How I wish I was near the shore, strolling with my little brother whom resembles a naughty seraph, having to allow the warm summer breeze to lift and leisurely sway my lengthy, black hair. I had longed to see individuals wearing their flamboyantly eccentric summer attire while doing the catwalk at a nearby crowded stage.
Surely, I was talking about pageants which include women’s swimming suits and men’s trunks- though I’d rather seal my eyes to not be able to witness the lower parts, it’s sort of ecchi. Aside from being dreaming of spending a good quantity of time with my kindred at the beach, I’d planned of enrolling my self on keyboard lessons, since it would be such a pity if I’d use not my three-year old keyboard which seemed to die at home. Oh. I nearly forgot. I was gone for a week since I attended a youth camp nearby which is the reason why I wasn’t able to update my silly blog.
I’m looking forward on visiting your blog/s again and I formally apologize for not responding on your comments- I’ll reply as early as I can, though. Well, that would all be my plans for this summer- it isn’t much, yes but the memories I’d be able to keep and the skills I would learn is worth a million dollar worth of a costly bag.