I made this new blog just today. Isn't it cute? I found the theme on a known blogger-theme resource site. I really really really love playing with HTML codes. I'm still a newbie in using codes since I only have a limited time intended for blogging and net surfing because my life revolves around the "Schools FIRST before anything" policy. Ah. I miss having fun. Furthermore, I miss blogging that it makes me crazy . This blog will surely be my "home away from home" . Have fun guys . I'll surely post tons of my daily rants and wants. And about my family and chums.
Virtual Name: XIAO ♥ Age: ??
Birthdate: November 3
Location: GSC, Philippines
School: GSC SPED Integrated School Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hear Suju and SHINee sing in person Apple Laptop More people to tag my cbox Sony Cam New comments Receive gifts from people anywhere Special Force Good grades especially in MAth Cose bags Learn Basic Japanese and Korean Lang. Sweets
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Pinx Hollix'z BLOG
I made this new blog just today. Isn't it cute? I found the theme on a known blogger-theme resource site. I really really really love playing with HTML codes. I'm still a newbie in using codes since I only have a limited time intended for blogging and net surfing because my life revolves around the "Schools FIRST before anything" policy. Ah. I miss having fun. Furthermore, I miss blogging that it makes me crazy . This blog will surely be my "home away from home" . Have fun guys . I'll surely post tons of my daily rants and wants. And about my family and chums.